Sunday, February 8, 2009

2009 Projects in the Owasco Flats


In 2009, the OFNR will be putting up signage in the Flats. Thanks to the Millard Fillmore 4-H Group, who raised the money to purchase the signs by conducting bake sales during 2008. The signs will be placed along the trail, at the trailhead on Route 38 and at the marina entrance. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Sandie at

Canoe/Kayak Trips

We will be scheduling our annual Canoe/Kayak trips for the summer of 2009. Please contact OFNR if you are interested in participating or leading a trip, please contact

Invasive species treatment grant

The OFNR received a $55,000.00 Invasive Species grant to treat Japanese Knotweed along the Owasco Inlet and along Route 38. We are looking for in-kind services as a match. We will also be contacting landowners in the near future to discuss treatment of this highly invasive species. For more information, please contact

We will also be administering the 2nd phase of the Aquatic Invasive species grant (a $30,000.00 grant received in 2006) this year. For more information, please contact

We will continue to treat garlic mustard by pulling plants in early May to reduce the spread of this highly invasive plant. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact

Poision ivy is found in the Owasco Flats, so please make sure that you wear long pants, and boots or shoes to prevent walking through poision ivy.
Cayuga County Parks and Trails will help us maintain the trails, which includes spraying for poision ivy along the railroad bed.

Educational Kiosk

The OFNR wishes to install a covered, wooden educational kiosk that will display the Owasco Flats Nature Reserve, the trail system, canoe launch, and important information about the ecology of the Flats. We have been trying to raise the necessary funds to purchase the lumber and the signage needed for the kiosk. If you would like to contribute to this effort or to the OFNR, please contact